Author Guidelines

AbdIBA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat manage by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas IBA has the following provisions and writing systematics:

General Provisions

  1. Type of Manuscript
  • The manuscript submitted is a scientific study of the results of a case study or literature study.
  • Manuscripts are written in the form of articles, not reports, and are arranged according to good and correct Indonesian grammar rules.
  1. Submission Process
    • Authors must register as authors through the official link provided by AbdIBA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat before being able to upload the manuscript.
    • Submitted manuscripts will be published after going through a review process by peer reviewers.
  2. Rights and Responsibilities
    • The editorial staff has the right to edit the manuscript without changing the content or main substance.
    • Authors are fully responsible for the content of the published manuscript.AbdIBA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat will inform the author if the manuscript is not published.
    • Manuscripts and illustrations submitted become the copyright of the publisher and cannot be published in other media without official permission.
  3. Communication and Templates
  • All forms of communication are done electronically.
  • Writing templates can be downloaded through the official website AbdIBA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.

Original Article Writing Systematics

  1. Title
    • The title of the article must consist of a maximum of 20 words, reflecting the overall content of the writing, using Times New Roman font, bold, size 14 pt (abstract title in English should also not exceed 20 words).
  2. Author Name and Affiliation
    • Author's name (without academic degree) along with affiliation which includes name, faculty, institution, and email.
  3. Abstract
    • Abstract is written in Indonesian and English with a length of 150-250 words.
    • The abstract includes objectives, brief methods, and main findings without including references.
    • Keywords consist of 3-5 words or phrases in English, arranged alphabetically and separated by semicolons (;).
    • Avoid overly general terms, verbiage, or repetition of words already in the title.
  4. Introduction
    • The background of the research should include an empirical explanation and conceptual framework from a review of relevant literature (last 5 years), a brief review of relevant literature, a statement of the originality of the research, clear research objectives.
    • Outline a real problem, challenge, or need relevant to the research objectives.
    • Include justification for community participation and interaction in the program or activity.
  5. Methods
    • Describe the methods used to address the problem or challenge and achieve the research objectives.
    • Describe data collection techniques such as sample selection methods and validity and reliability of data collection tools.
    • Describe data analysis techniques.
    • State the location, time, and duration of the activity.
    • Justify the initial conditions prior to the implementation of the activity and the expected results.
  6. Results and Discussion
    • The results of service can be in the form of increased knowledge, skills, or physical products. If the result is a product, an explanation of its specifications, advantages, and disadvantages must be included. In addition, the level of achievement of the activity objectives also needs to be clearly described.
    • Service outputs must be supported by documentation in the form of photos, tables, graphs, charts, drawings, or other relevant documents. The writing of the results must be arranged in accordance with the sequence of objectives previously described.
    • The discussion is arranged sequentially based on the objectives of the activities that have been set. Each part of the discussion must be supported by logical arguments by linking the results of community service (PkM) with theory, other PkM results, or related research. Analysis of conditions before and after the implementation of activities is the main focus, accompanied by a discussion of community participation and the resulting impact. Authors are also encouraged to include the adoption of innovations by the community as additional content.
    • Tables, figures, photographs and graphs used in the manuscript should be relevant and support the discussion. All such visual elements must be properly cited and integrated into the analysis and justification of the community service program or activity.
  7. Conclusions and Suggestions
    • The conclusion contains a brief summary of the research results and discussion. Conclusions are research findings in the form of answers to research questions or research objectives. The research results provide suggestions/contributions for the application and/or development of science.
  8. Acknowledgments
    • The list of acknowledgments includes individuals who provided assistance during the implementation of community empowerment activities. In this section, the author mentions those who provided support, both financially and non-financially, in this research. If the research was funded through a grant from a university, college, or other research institution, the author is required to include the name of the institution or organization that provided the funding. However, if there is no funding from such institutions, the authors should include the following statement: This research did not receive any specific grants from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or nonprofit sectors.
  9. References
    • Listed in full, according to the references in the paper.
    • Only include literature referenced in the paper.
    • 85% of references come from literature published in the last 5 years, with a minimum of 20 references.
    • At least 85% of references come from research articles in journals or research reports.
    • The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references.
    • The format of the bibliography is American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition.
    • Reference management applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote, must be used by the author when citing references.