PlantIBA : Jurnal Riset Pertanian <p>This journal presents the latest research in the field of agriculture covering topics such as agricultural technology innovation, agricultural sustainability, and solutions to global challenges such as climate change and food security. These studies aim to increase the efficiency, productivity and sustainability of the agricultural sector through an approach based on scientific research, best practices and the latest technology.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Analisis Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Produk Gula Semut di UMKM Ranau Baban Kecamatan Baturaja Timur <p><em>This research aims to analyze consumer preferences for brown sugar products and find out the attributes that consumers most consider in their decision to buy browns sugar products at Ranau Baban UMKM. This research uses a case study method. The sampling method used the Accidental Sampling technique of 50 brown sugar consumers at Ranau Baban UMKM. Data processing was carried out quantitatively, using Conjoint Analysis. The results of this research show that consumer preference for brown sugar products in Ranau Baban UMKM, East Baturaja District is original flavor variant products, with a price of IDR 20,000,00 - IDR 23,000,00, which are packaged in aluminum foil packaging, have a BPOM label and a halal label, with sizes 500 gr and has an expiration date. The attribute of brown sugar products most considered by consumers when purchasing brown sugar is the BPOM label attribute.</em></p> Juwarini, Henny Rosmawati, Septianita, Windi Lestari, Endang Lastinawati Copyright (c) 2025 PlantIBA : Jurnal Riset Pertanian Thu, 30 Jan 2025 13:31:42 +0700 Inventarisasi Musuh Alami Hama Daun Kelapa Sawit Pada Refugia di PT. Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk. Kecamatan Air Kumbang Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan <p>Oil palm is a very important plantation commodity in Indonesia.&nbsp; One of the limiting factors in oil palm cultivation is pest and disease attacks. This study aims to inventory the natural enemies of oil palm leaf pests found in refugia plants, in the oil palm plantation of PT. Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk., Air Kumbang District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province from July to August 2024.&nbsp; The research method is a survey in plantations and identification is carried out in the Joint Lab of FP Tridinanti University. The results of the study showed 5 species of refugai plants, namely the golden medallion flower (<em>Cassia leptophylla</em>), the bridal tears (<em>Antigonon leptopus</em>), the small ketepeng (<em>Senna tora</em> L.), the eight-year-old flower <em>Turnera ulmifolia</em> L. and the <em>Turnera subulata </em>J.E Smith.&nbsp; 2 species of parasitoids were identified, namely <em>Brachymeria</em> sp. and <em>Aleiodes</em> sp., leaf pests found are <em>Setora nitens</em> and <em>Setothosea asigna</em>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Dewi Royani, Dewi Meidalima, Ruarita Ramadhalina Kawaty Copyright (c) 2025 Dewi Royani, Dewi Meidalima, Ruarita Ramadhalina Kawaty Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Komparasi Pendapatan Petani Jagung yang Menjual Pipil Basah dan Pipil Kering di Desa Mulia Sari Kecamatan Tanjung Lago <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan <br>petani ketika memilih bentuk produksi yang akan dijual. (2) membandingkan pendapatan petani <br>jagung di Desa Mulia Sari Kecamatan Tanjung Lago, yang menjual jagung basah dan kering dan <br>(3) memahami distribusi tingkat pendapatan petani jagung di Desa Mulia Sari. Lokasi penelitian <br>dipilih dengan sengaja (purposive sampling). Wawancara merupakan cara utama pengumpulan <br>data untuk penelitian ini, yang memanfaatkan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Data yang <br>dikumpulkan diproses dan dievaluasi dengan cermat sebelum ditabulasi dan dijelaskan secara <br>rinci. Menurut apa yang ditemukan penelitian, bahwa alasan petani memilih menjual jagung pipil <br>basah atau pipil kering dipengaruhi oleh biaya produksi, ketersediaan tenaga kerja, dan kondisi <br>cuaca. Rata-rata pendapatan dari produksi jagung pipil basah lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan <br>pipil kering, yaitu Rp18.172.786 per hektar per musim tanam (ha/mt) untuk pipil basah, dan <br>Rp21.614.444 ha/mt untuk pipil kering, dengan selisih sebesar Rp3.441.658 ha/mt. Di Desa <br>Mulia Sari, terdapat ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan antara petani yang menjual jagung kering <br>dan petani yang menjual jagung basah. Pendapatan petani yang menjual jagung kering lebih <br>tinggi dibandingkan petani yang menjual jagung basah.</p> tommy, Nur Azmi, R.A Umikalsum Copyright (c) 2025 Tommy, Nur Azmi, R.A Umi Kalsum Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Respon Tanaman Terung Hijau Bulat (Solanum melongena L) Pada Pemberian Cangkang Telur <p style="font-weight: 400;">Green round eggplant plants are consumed directly or freshly as raw vegetables so it is very important to provide additional nutrients directly from natural waste materials such as eggshells. <span style="font-weight: 400;">The study was conducted in April-June 2024 in Selubuk Village, Air Napal District, North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. The study aims to see the growth response of green eggplant plants after being given eggshells. The results of the study showed that &nbsp;of eggshells showed no significant effect on growth and yield variables except for leaf width and flowering time variables which showed a significant effect. The dose of eggshell&nbsp; 120 g/plant and a frequency &nbsp;of 3 times gave the largest leaf width and faster flowering time compared to other treatments.</span></p> Nurlianti Pertiwi, Nadia Rahmanisa, Irma Lisa Sridanti, Farida Aryani Copyright (c) 2025 Nadia Rahmanisa, Nurlianti, Irma Lisa Sridanti, Farida Aryani Thu, 30 Jan 2025 13:56:09 +0700 Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Kotoran Ayam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jagung Semi ( Zea mays L ) Varietas Bonanza Now F1 <p>This research aims to determine the response to growth and production of baby corn (Zea mays L.) of the Bonanza now F1 variety due to the application of chicken manure. This research using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 5 (five) treatments and 5 (five) replications, each experimental unit consisting of 60 plants. The number of samples observed in each experimental unit was 5 (five) plants. The treatments in this research used a dose of chicken manure fertilizer P0 = no fertilizer, P1 = 10 tonnes/ha, P2 = 20 tonnes/ha, P3 = 30 tonnes/ha, P4 = 40 tonnes/ha. The variables observed were: plant height (cm), leaf area (cm2), cob length (cm), cob diameter (mm), cob weight with husks (g), cob weight without husks (g), cob weight with husks per plot (kg), wet crop weight (g) and dry crop weight (g). Based on the research results, it can be concluded that applying chicken manure can increase a good response to the growth and yield of baby corn plants. Providing 20 tons of chicken manure per crop produced a plant height of 30 days after 104.08 cm, leaf area of ​​2,044.65 cm2, ear length of 14.29 cm, ear diameter of 20.13 mm, weight of the ear with husk 49.04 g, weight cobs without husks 40.36 g, weight of cobs with husks per plot 3.07 kg, wet weight 286.96 g, and dry weight 40.68 g.</p> Meriyanto, Elda Sapitri, Yuliantina Azka Copyright (c) 2025 Elda Sapitri, Meriyanto, Yuliantina Azka Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700