Inventarisasi Musuh Alami Hama Daun Kelapa Sawit Pada Refugia di PT. Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk. Kecamatan Air Kumbang Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan
Oil palm is a very important plantation commodity in Indonesia. One of the limiting factors in oil palm cultivation is pest and disease attacks. This study aims to inventory the natural enemies of oil palm leaf pests found in refugia plants, in the oil palm plantation of PT. Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk., Air Kumbang District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province from July to August 2024. The research method is a survey in plantations and identification is carried out in the Joint Lab of FP Tridinanti University. The results of the study showed 5 species of refugai plants, namely the golden medallion flower (Cassia leptophylla), the bridal tears (Antigonon leptopus), the small ketepeng (Senna tora L.), the eight-year-old flower Turnera ulmifolia L. and the Turnera subulata J.E Smith. 2 species of parasitoids were identified, namely Brachymeria sp. and Aleiodes sp., leaf pests found are Setora nitens and Setothosea asigna.
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