• Aries Veronica Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tamansiswa
Keywords: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Return On Investment, Total debt to total asset ratio, Stock Price


The purpose of this study was to determine financial performance to stock price of
minning industries at Indonesian Stock Exchange . This research is field research with
data collection techniques using documentation that the sample size is as much as 33
emitten. To test the effect of the financial performance to stock price used multiple
regression analysis techniques and to test research hypotheses, F test and t test.
From the results of calculations using SPSS for Windows version 17, showed that: the
value of R Square (R2) illustrates that the Stock price (Y), can be explained by the
financial performance amounted to 65.6%, while the rest 34.4%, can be explained by
other factors, which are not included in this study. F Hypothesis test results, obtained
value of sig. (98,701)>(0.05), this means that there is influence of the current ratio, total
asset turnover , return on investment, and total debt to total asset ratio together against
stock price. While the results of hypothesis testing t as follows: 1) sig. (0.000)< (0.05),
which means that there is effect current ratio to stock price; 2) sig.(0.004) < (0.05),
which means that there is effect debt to equity ratio to stock price; 3) sig.(0.846) >
(0.05), which means that there is no effect total asset turnover to stock price; 4)
sig.(0.000) (0.05), which means that there is no effect return on investment to stock price,
and 5) sig.(0.700)>(0.05), which means that there is no effect total debt to total asset
ratio to stock price

How to Cite
Veronica, A. (2017). KINERJA KEUANGAN PADA PERUSAHAAN PERTAMBANGAN DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA. Jemasi: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Dan Akuntansi, 13(1), 46-62.